Balaji Temple

Balaji Temple

Jul 19, 2023 - 14:01
Jul 19, 2023 - 14:02
 0  12
Balaji Temple

Just a few minutes away from Nerul train station, Balaji temple is one of the largest temples in the area. Surrounded by many small temples, Balaji temple resembles the famous Venkateshwara temple in Tirupati. The main deity of this temple is Lord Venkateswara, who is also known as Shree Balaji. His home on earth is the Venkateshwara temple but those who cannot go all the way to Tirupati can pray to him at the Balaji temple. Interestingly, the man who built the temple started with only five thousand rupees, and had been an atheist before a near death mishap made him a believer in god.


Dhrmgyan अब आप भी इस वेबसाइट पर जानकारी साझा कर सकते हैं। यदि आपके पास लोक साहित्य, लोकसाहित्य या इतिहास से संबंधित कोई रोचक जानकारी है और आप इसे दूसरों के साथ साझा करना चाहते हैं, तो इसे हमारे ईमेल- [email protected] पर भेजें और हम इसे लाखों लोगों के साथ साझा करेंगे। .